Everything Must Go!
Walnut, sycamore, ash, ipe, curly maple, brass, wallpaper, vinyl cabinet wrap, porcelain door knob, objects purchased from estate sales across the North East.
Drawer 1

Contents: signed portrait of 3x world boxing champion, Reggie Johnson, bullseye, umpire mask, endocrine scans, eye glasses, 1 mink, tray of microscope slides, small yellow framed portrait.
Drawer 2
Contents: Star paper weight inscribed “I made it to work during the April 1st, 1997 Blizzard Boston MA, two pins (“Italian is Beautiful” and “Kiss Me I’m Italian”), razor, child’s drawing, The Boyscouts Handbook of America, The New Testimate, A Beginners Guide To Jogging, a pressed rose (wrapped in seran wrap and taped into a wedding scrap book), postcard from Greece, mirror with overlay graphic of Sylvester Stallone

Drawer 3

Contents: Sealed envelope (addressed with “Diane”), wig, framed portrait of labrador retriever on the Fourth of July, volumetric incentive spirometer.
Drawer 4

Contents: Wall clock with portrait, 12 slides of Mount St. Helen Eruption of 1980, Cassette Tapes, mounted holographic image of dear, hand written to–do list, mallard figurine.
Drawer 5

Contents: photograph of kitten, red comb, key ring with photograph, pill bottle of miscellaneous hardwear.
Drawer 6

Contents: Lip stick, base ball, Marlin Double Edge Blades, Christ figurine, potpourri, doe foot, Neosborin, Janice & Charlie’s wedding match book, Marie’s Mama Chiello’s name tag, two clip on bowties, comb, tooth brush, funeral mass prayer cards.